Online courses

On-line courses for professional development

According to the service demands and needs of claimants IMOR prepare on-line training courses in various fields. For further information please contact us:     

  • 047 25 25 24
  • 070 339 229
  • 070 395 509
  • 02 24 68 757
  • 070 307 723
  • or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Intermediate - advanced courses on Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Touch-typing, health and safety, financial and business resources (using Alison)


General info

Name: Association Interactive Education and Resource Netowrk IMOR.




IMOR's Mission is empowering people in the spirit of multicultural understanding and cooperation, civic society and democracy...



Work with youth, citizen society, multiethnical understanding, human rights, environmental issues, international collaboration...



прирачник за граѓанско општество


IMOR offers materials / resources prepared by IMOR and iEARN that can be used for professional development with designation of ownership. To access the materials you need to login / register.


IMOR and its members offer training, support and expertise in many areas.
Trainings are designed for students, young and adults.
Inform yourself about the areas of training that IMOR offers connecting the following link.


Interactive Education and Resource Network Association IMOR offers a wide range services in the field of IT, communication technologies and multimedia, project-based learning, formal and informal education, professional and career development, human resource management, organization management, project management, research engineering and consulting services.